How To Drink
The best way to consume Mezcal, Tequila, Raicilla and Sotol is straight. No ice, no additions, just neat. However, it is no surprise they also make an amazing base ingredient for your favourite cocktail.
We recommend, when drinking any Agave Distillate or Sotol, to take small sips, almost kiss it to allow the flavour to be encapsulated and further ensuring your pallet and senses are not overwhelmed. Sip it slowly, do not gulp in air as you swallow. As the liquid hits the back of your throat, breathe out.
This act of breathing out as the liquid races down your throat to your stomach subdues the alcohol, heat and smoky mineral flavours to allow its complexity to shine.
Flavour and aroma will return to your mouth to leave a lasting finish and create a mouth watering experience, especially where high acidity is present.
Note also: The worm in the glass is a novelty (it is actually larva that feeds on the agave plant). If you see it in a bottle, you are probably in the wrong shop or have purchased something intended for the American market.
Using the correct glassware or earthenware is extremely important in capturing the flavours, aromas and tradition of agave distillates and Sotol.
In fact any distilled spirit from Mexico should be consumed from the appropriate vessel.
A hollowed out gourd used out of necessity in the Pre-Hispanic times.

The most common glassware now used all over the world at Mezcalerias. With its ribbed shot glass look and broad open mouth it allows the aromas to better circulate.

Clay copitas (terracotta) also allow for the aromas to emanate while honouring the Zapotec tradition.

Wine Glass
In our opinion for the maximum delivery of flavours and aromas, with a neutral palate driven by glass we recommend wine glasses. Particularly aperitif style glassware to allow swirling and agitation of the volatile aromas.